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Date: Thursday, 29. September 2016
Author: Gast

I\'d like to take the job cipro ciprofloxacin side effects What isnt being discussed is that, as usual, none of the gum-flapping is coming from CJ. A humble guy and class act who does his job and keeps his mouth closed, which is just one more reason (in addition to the skills) he has a leg up on the rest of these egomaniac diva WRs.
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After only four months of dating, Chad Ochocinco and Evelyn Lozada are set to become husband and wife ... and who wouldn\'t say yes to a rock like that! The Cincinnati Bengals player popped the question to the \'Basketball Wives\' star with a massive diamond ring that puts other sports wives\' jewelry to shame. She even tweeted a photo of the sparkler, writing, \'I\'m no rabbit but 10 carats looks good on me!! Let the hating begin.\'
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