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Date: Friday, 14. October 2016
Author: Gast

Who do you work for? how much ibuprofen can i take to reduce fever What you\'re proposing is not inexpensive at all, for either the consumer or manufacturers.  They\'d be taking a huge loss and what do they receiver in return?  A percentage of Steam game sales? I don\'t think Valve would be interested in sharing their wealth, nor do I think manufacturers would be willing to make you a beefy miniature computer system for under $500.  Just doesn\'t make sense.  The R&D alone, in concordance with Intel/Amd/Nvidia would cost billions to miniaturize everything and create a stable environment that doesn\'t melt the SteamBox into a ball of plastic.   
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However, ministers have also warned shoppers to brace themselves for more unwelcome news over the crisis. Environment Secretary Owen Paterson said a criminal conspiracy may be behind the issue with legal action due to begin in Europe from the start of next week and reports from France suggested the problem had been pinned down to two abattoirs in Romania.
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Evaluation: TEXT_OF_5_STARS


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