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Date: Saturday, 15. October 2016
Author: Gast

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buy omeprazole 20 mg online I\'ll never forget when I attended a gay pride massive event and their kind were outside picketing with their hate-filled signs trying to promote and appease their god. A storm started and they stood there, becoming drenched, completely miserable. A group of us went out, feeling compassion for them, and invited them to come inside the event and into a pavilion that was warm and dry and offer them hot chocolate. All but two refused, those refusing screaming that we were all going to hell and their god would stand by them in the storm. The two who couldn\'t stand being drenched and cold came with us and we offered them the warmth and security and hot chocolate. We didn\'t tell them how stupid they were; we just offered love and support. One started to cry, saying: \"You\'re not suppose to do this! You\'re with the devil!\" But she took the hot drink and the blanket. None of us lectured her (or her friend); none of us evangelized the two of them as to the truth of gay normality and the falsehood of their religion. We just loved them. When the storm ended, they left. A couple years later, we discovered that both had left their gay-hating religion and were members of PFLAG. We evangelized the god-appeasing haters through our actions.

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