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Date: Sunday, 16. October 2016
Author: Gast

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One result of the shutdown is added weight for the ADPreport, as some other economic data for August and September hasbeen or may be delayed. For example, it now seems unlikelyFriday\'s key non-farm payrolls report from the Labor Departmentwill be released according to schedule.
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â??We believe that this car can create a niche for itself within the SUV market in a similar manner to the way the original Continental GT created a market for itself when it launched,â? Bentley spokesman Graeme Russell told me. â??Given the impact that had on Bentley sales, taking the company to over 10,000 units in 2007, I think it is fair to say that there is a level of experience both within Bentley and within the VW Group that could well see the SUV model contribute its fair share of the global sales aspirations of 15,000 vehicles per annum.â?
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Ducasse, who has played well otherwise in his first year as a starter, had two false starts, a holding call and a facemask penalty, costing the Jets 35 yards. Wilson melted down in the Bills’ lone touchdown drive, twice incurring personal fouls as he allowed Buffalo wideout Stevie Johnson to provoke him.
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