Startseite » Katalog » Malerbedarf » 34554 » Bewertungen Ihr Konto | Warenkorb | Kasse

Rezensionen zu: Rissbrücke

Datum: Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2014
Autor: Gast

hey kathihow are you?This is very usfeul info. I ordered my 1st time last week. I normally have all my korean goodies cp\'ed by a friend but this is easier than asking for cps over and over and over.I was curious.I ordered and it shipped but I see no refund for my shipping. I paid over $40 USD for shipping.How long does it take for them to refund the shipping amount and place it into your gaccount?Thanks doll!

Bewertung: TEXT_OF_5_STARS


In den Warenkorb


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